vendredi 29 janvier 2016

For those who want to Upgared to Marsmallow

I Already Upgrade my Mate 7-TL10 Gold Edition to Marshmallow B520, it's working very well and smoothly with no bugs and working perfectly (EVERYTHING IS THERE) So.........
(Follow the steps):-
1. Go to FIXED Clean Nandroid BackUp Marschmallow B520+Updateb520+UpdateB521
2. Follow the steps ((Use as always at your own risk!))
3. Don't update to B521 ((Too many Bugs))
4. Time to Root using SuperSU Pro 2.64 ((!lsIGCDRa!qPDHIp3Jy...DWFGpO8No0-OR0))
5. After that Follow this for adding the features of smart assistance [How to add dt2w & d2w feature for 5.1 & 6.0] ((Motion Control))
There you Go!!!........Enjoy!
Here's my video for Mate 7:-

Download from this link

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