Alright, after tweaking for the last 10 days I found the perfect battery life setup.
The big thing that eats up battery are the background processes. I found that app "Recently" by Chainfire and CF Lumen eat up my battery in the background - 5-10% overnight (8 hours sleep);
Frozen Apps:
Deleted apps: Almost everything with Asus in its name except (these are NOT deleted):
Disabled Services (using any app, like DisableService):
This is the better battery stats view:
I used it for twitch streams, youtube videos and some facebook along with web browsing (web browsing is max 30 minutes);
The big thing that eats up battery are the background processes. I found that app "Recently" by Chainfire and CF Lumen eat up my battery in the background - 5-10% overnight (8 hours sleep);
Frozen Apps:
Deleted apps: Almost everything with Asus in its name except (these are NOT deleted):
Disabled Services (using any app, like DisableService):
This is the better battery stats view:
I used it for twitch streams, youtube videos and some facebook along with web browsing (web browsing is max 30 minutes);
Download from this link
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